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 VSC Decal

 Juneau Flotilla - Vessel Safety Checks

Vessel Safety Checks:

Vessel Safety Checks are a free service of the United States Coast Guard Auxiliary. A Qualified Auxiliary Vessel Examiner will examine your boat to determine its compliance with the Federal and State requirements for boats. For example, the proper number of life jackets, numbering and fire extinguishers are to name but a few of the items checked. Upon passing the inspection the boat owner is issued a decal from the USCG Auxiliary which is displayed on the vessel to show its compliance. 

Want to know more about what we look for during a Vessel Safety Check? You can conduct an Online Virtual Vessel Safety Check and learn more. 

Vessel Safety Checks will be performed at the listed locations below or you can
email us to arrange for a personal Vessel Safety Check (VSC).

I want a Vessel Safety Check

To Schedule a free Vessel Safety Check

Contact Sean McDermott, (907) 957-2971

or click the "I want a Vessel Safety Check" link above



VSC Drive-thru Events

Location Date Time
Sportman's Warehouse Parking Lot